Combine sport,
dietetic & well-being
Diet and Sport Coaching wants to be a partner in your wellness and health projects for your employees.
A service of proximity, qualified and with strong human values which will help you to integrate, within your company, physical activities but also of relaxation to improve your attractivity, your competitiveness as well the well-being in company.
The principle ?
Combine sports activities and well-being to optimize the good health of your employees and therefore your company. Your associates will feel the effects on a personal level (feeling of well-being, self-confidence, pleasure to go to work) and also on a collective level (mutual aid, group cohesion, feeling of belonging).
Health and well-being
within your company
The virtuous circle of well-being at work
Identify the issues and needsof your company
Taking into account the contextand possible difficulties
Setting up activitiesadapted to the project and the place
Evaluation of the feedback and adaptationaccording to the collaborators